Don't #uck! With A Truck
National Heavy Vehicle Regulator

With Smoke Creative’s passion for creating educational content that pushes creative and technological boundaries, our partnership with NHVR to create content for this extremely underserved area of driver education was a perfect collaboration.
A distinct learning gap exists in current driver education around sharing the road with trucks. Little is taught about how to deal with trucks on the road, and safety concepts like safe distances and positioning when driving near trucks are widely misunderstood.
To create an educational series that connects with and engages the target audience, we developed an idea to put our viewers in the driver’s seat and show them the real consequences of #ucking with a truck – both from the perspective of the car driver, and that of the truck driver.
We achieved this through a combination of tools and techniques, including taking real learner and probationary drivers and exploring what they do or don’t know about driving around trucks – before putting them in the cab with a real truck driver to see first hand if their knowledge was up to scratch.
We then upped the ante further by hitting the test track and used drones, 360 cameras and Virtual Reality to craft a truly unique learning experience that truly puts our audience in the driver’s seat.
This resulted in a suite of dynamic, multi-channel, multi-platform content that not only boosted engagement and created a unique and compelling experience, but also gave our audience a memorable experience that ensured the learnings were retained and most importantly, were able to be recalled when they most needed it – when they were on the road themselves.
Don't #uck! With A Truck – Overtaking
Don't #uck! With A Truck – Turning
Don't #uck! With A Truck – Stopping