Blue Card Services // No Card No Start
Department of Justice and Attorney-General
This campaign was developed to build awareness that changes are coming to the Blue Card System. Our audience was individuals and organisations that are working with, or planning on working with children in Queensland.
When taking a look at this challenge we took a direct approach to our communication. Our goal was to keep messaging direct and to the point, i.e. “We’re talking to you… this is what you need to know and do”.
This was achieved through the creation of a suite of short engaging motion design content pieces (10-15sec) developed specifically for the proposed distribution channels. These animated videos utilised simple messaging and an engaging visual style to capture our audience’s attention and steer them to the Blue Card Services website to view a longer informative video, and find out more information.
Taking an approach like this allowed for adaptation of content to suit specific language and cultural needs through translation of script or subtitling.
The public awareness campaign around changes to the Blue Card System produced results that exceeded expectations across all KPIs. For the duration of the campaign, from 2 August 2020 to 9 October 2020, there were a total of 202,267 user sessions recorded for the Blue Card website.
This was an increase of 221% in traffic to the Blue Card website during the campaign period when compared to previous years. Further to this, during the two month initial campaign period, 53,969 people accessed the pages created specifically for the No Card, No Start campaign, a total of 143,081 times.
Results Summary.
No Card No Start – Benefits
No Card No Start – Awareness
No Card No Start – Laws Awareness